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generational healing

generational healing

acrylic, oil, handmade paper, marker, lighter, 24x36”

creating meaning and care from pain

healing requires us to step back, to see our pains objectively, to connect them to our ancestral history, to let them go forgivingly, and lastly, to dare to reach as high as we can in our own growth. cycles of people surmounting trauma, choosing to heal and reach forward for better. this is generational healing, and inevitably, generational growth. 

what’s included

  • certificate of authenticity
  • print of limited-edition exhibition stamp
  • membership to YUNNY STUDIOS’s Winged Club. includes exclusive access to private showings and early access to new work 

if you are located in SF, your collectible will be hand-delivered ❊ 

Regular price $500.00
Regular price Sale price $500.00
Sale Sold out
Taxes included.
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